New Japan Pro Wrestling Ultimate Bushi
New Japan Pro Wrestling Ultimate Bushi
New Japan Pro Wrestling Ultimate Bushi

New Japan Pro Wrestling Ultimate Bushi

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In stock at 85 Andover Street · Usually ready in 4 hours

In stock at 85 Andover Street

New Japan Pro Wrestling Ultimate Bushi· Default Title

Available for pickup

85 Andover Street

Usually ready in 4 hours

85 Andover Street
Danvers MA 01923
United States

Introducing Wave 2 of the New Japan Pro-Wrestling Ultimates figures from Super7! Each 7-inch super-articulated deluxe action figure comes straight from The Ring to you, accurately painted, detailed, and featuring a variety of awesome interchangeable parts and accessories!

From honing his craft in Mexico to his mascara de luchador, Bushi was a natural fit for Los Ingobernables de Japon. As a part of LIJ, he’s held multiple championships including the Junior Heavyweight Tag Team titles and, as of Wrestle Kingdom 14, the NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship. If his MX facebreaker doesn’t take out his opponent, a dose of his lethal Poison Mist will.

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Shipping is free for orders over $75. For all other domestic orders shipping is $10. International shipping is $20.

We typically ship orders out within 1-2 business days of ordering. From there shipping may take 3-5 business days. For international orders shipping can take between 7-14 business days.

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